dust separator operates as a wet deduster. The apparatus consists of
two chambers. Both are equipped with Multiwir rectangular packings made
from perforated polypropylene slats. The first chamber, equipped
additionally with spray nozzles, operates as an actual deduster. The second
chamber is assigned for droplet separation.
The gas stream entering the apparatus flows downwards cocurrently with the
liquid through the packing in the first chamber. Dust particles, subjected
to centrifugal force, settle on packing slats and are rinsed by the
liquid. Droplets entrained by the gas stream are stopped in the second
chamber. They settle on the packing surface and drop.
The separation efficiency of the Multiwir sugar-dust separators has been
measured in Sugar Factory “Zbiersk” (Poland) during sugar campaign 2001.
The measurements concerned separation of sugar dust emitted
by a fluid bed dryer of a throughput 400 tons of sugar/24h. The average
amount of sugar separated was about 3 tons/24h. The emission of sugar
dust turned out to be about 3 kg/24h. Hence, the separation efficiency
reached 99,9%, while the pressure-drop in the apparatus was below
700 Pa. |