MULTIWIR - DR. KWAŚNIAK company specialises in the design and
production of equipment assigned for gas separation processes. All of the
devices are produced according to our innovative technology based on
application of Multiwir structured packings.
The company, established in 1991, is owned and managed by Dr.Eng. Jan
Kwaśniak, the inventor and researcher of Multiwir packings.
We produce MULTIWIR structured packings, as well as complete apparatuses
assigned for gas cleaning operations. The most commonly applied MULTIWIR
separators are:
- wet dedusters
- droplet separators
- gas washers
- gas heaters and humidifiers
- absorbers.
The Multiwir gas separation and absorption equipment has been applied in
industry in more than 150 plants. Numerous devices are currently at work in the sugar and chemical industry in more that 12 countries.